Monday, January 23, 2012

Evaluate 2 websites

            The first site I chose was the company I work for Singer Equipment Company.
On the home page is the Singer logo in our 5-color scheme.  The six main buttons across the top of the page match our color scheme, when clicking on a button it keeps you on the same page and displays information pertinent to the button.
          When clicking on the catalog links you navigate to the category of the link, which brings you to specific items in that category.  Alt labels for graphics are marked if pictures are turned off.  When putting the cursor on the back arrow it tells you where you are going back to so you know exactly where you are in the site. 
            There is a lot of information on the home page and some other pages so you must scroll down to see the rest of the page, which is one, negative.  Overall, the site has a professional designed for easy reading and navigatio
            The second site I chose was CDW they are a vendor of computer hardware and software that we use at my work place.  Navigation buttons are easy to understand and clearly labeled to let you know where you are in the site.  They also are not big and bulky.  Text to background is a good contrast for very readable text.
            Pages download quickly with good use of graphic elements.  They keep to two main colors red and orange, but sprinkle in another color here and there on other, pages.  They use repetitive elements on all pages.  One down fall are you had to scroll down to see all the information on the page
            This site has many of the elements that make up a good website.  Navigation and clarity of text to background are two of the main elements that make this site good.  In addition, the color scheme is another good element.

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