Monday, January 16, 2012

Week #2 Making your image web ready

1. The first thing you want to do is make sure the resolution is 72 to 96.  Computers can only display at 72-96 dot per inch.

2. Resize the image next; you have to know how much space your image needs for your web page.  You should make the image larger at first you can always go back and make it smaller but you cannot make it larger.  In Photoshop go to image, resize, and image size.

3. You can now crop the image; you want to get rid of the tourists on your picture.  Cropping is a technique of removing unwanted images to leave only the images you want.  Using the elliptical and rectangular marquis tool with or without feathering for resizing is another option.

4. Adding layers, adding text, and applying filters are some other options for your image. Layers give the image different levels to work with.  Adding text to your image is another option if you want to add a title or a caption to your image.  Filters can enhance or completely change your image to your own liking.

5. Last thing is to save your file.  Save it to its native file type first.  Then save it for the web, in your image software go to file and save for the web.  Save the picture as a jpegs, this is the best file format for pictures and graphics with many colors.

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