Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What did you learn about graphic design and how does graphic design play a role in our daily lives and activities in both the print and web?

            Graphic design is about basic concepts and principles that if followed will make your presentation look and be professional.  Whether you are design a web page or an advertisement in the local newspaper these ideas and concepts will bring out the best in your work.  After reading the assigned chapters I look at every web site, web page, and advertisement differently now.  I would look at a web site because it had a cool picture or the site was an interest of mine. Now I look for the true design of the web site, what alignment did they use, are related items grouped together.  What color scheme did they use and did they use it repetitively through out the site if it has multiple pages.
          Everywhere you look, you can probably see some form of advertising in your daily life.  Driving down the highway with billboards shouting out at you to buy a new car or play the lottery to the daily newspaper wanting you to buy something on sale at your nearest shopping center. Then you the World Wide Web probably the most used form of advertising in our lives today.  All these forms of advertising try to get your attention by a fancy slogan or an eye-catching picture made in some form of graphic design.

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