Monday, February 13, 2012

Week #7 Final project

I went with for my web 2.0 choice because I made a personal website and I did not want any advertising. I felt the webnode was rather easy compared to the html editor because it was all drag and drop. Having my pictures already sized made the web 2.0 that much easier. The html editor was a little more difficult having to make some adjustments to the size of my pictures and to the style sheet to keep all the pages the same size. The two templates were different so they do not look the same and I did not use some of the pictures I used for the first one. Some of the graphics and the content are the same.

My final project is really close to my storyboard I did not make an elaborate website so I stuck to a simple concept and stayed with it.

I really learned a lot in class, even though I work in IT I never ventured on the web side. This is definitely something that I will keep doing in my free time and maybe change my focus on what I want to do in my career in the future.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Why is writing for the web different from writing for print?

Web is very interactive, people want to see things that are of interest to them, and quickly, they do not want to read several paragraphs to get to where they want to go.  When reading print you get what the writer is trying to express to you not necessarily your own feelings or opinions.

  • Keep it simple – and short (remember, word count should be 50% of print)
  • Break large chunks of copy up into smaller, more concise sections
  • Use bulleted or numbered points to simplify main ideas for easy reading
  • Keep sentence structure and word choice simple
  • Always put your most important information at the top
  • Create various pages within your website for different topics, instead of having lots of information on one page.
  • Use highlighting, or bold important keywords

Week #6 What is the purpose of storyboards? How will they help you with your final project?

Storyboards are a well-organized structured plan for your website.  It will help you build a website that is well planned and look professional.  As in any project, you may change your mind about something but having this organizational chart will keep your project structured and well designed.

Anyone with a computer can create a website is this always a good thing?

It is not always a good thing for one you can save a lot of money by doing it yourself but is going to be a professional site that will attract business Sometimes things are better off left to the professionals.

What is the difference between Usability and Accessibility with regards to web design

Usability: making a website as simple and fast to navigate as possible, and presenting information / products in an easily readable format

If you are selling something on the web prospective customers don't want to spend more time then they have to find what they are looking for, make it simple and easy.

Accessibility: making the content of a website available to everyone, including those with less-than-perfect eyesight.

If you come apon a site that you can't see well or is cluttered with unreadable content people won't stay any longer on your site as the next click of the mouse.

Week# 5 What are the advantages and drawbacks to hiring a professional web designer over doing one yourself?


            You can build your own web site for a lot less money

            Making your own has a more personnel feel to it

            You can make changes yourself save time from waiting for someone else


            Professional web designers are expensive

            Cheaper designers you get what you pay for cheap

            It takes a long time and a skill set you might not have